Thanks to our LATAM team in the health area in collaboration with several hospitals and health entities we have developed, based on WHO recommendations, the DISC module of Health Area Competencies.
The module shows the valuation with respect to the NATURAL potential and the current approach (ADAPTATION) of the evaluated in key competencies of the health sector based on WHO recommendations. This assessment is NOT an assessment of your competence performance in each competence, but the NATURAL valuation represents your instinctive or natural potential to show or develop that competence more easily, i.e. your performance or development requires less additional effort. Your ADAPTED assessment represents where you are investing your energy or where you perceive that you should invest it for successful performance in that area.
Anything over 50% involves little effort, the higher the percentage, the lower the effort. Anything below 50% implies a little more effort, the lower the percentage, the greater the effort, but in no case does it limit how the person evaluated can develop or has developed those competencies if he or she has worked on them, since this is not what we assess.
Competencies are divided into two groups, the so-called “Patient Safety” competencies and the “Operational” competencies. When reviewing the competencies, they should look at those that are key to the position held by the person being assessed and ignore the rest.
Example of the module